ICM 72431 Sd.Kfz.260 German WW2 Radio Communication Vehicle

Sd.Kfz.260 German WW2 Radio Communication Vehicle - Image 1
Merilo: 1:72
Proizvajalec: ICM
Koda izdelka: icm72431
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: 2-8 tednov
€16.22 oz. 10600 tč.

Vključno z 22% DDV
pri dostavi v: Slovenija
Za spremembo države kliknite sem

Osnovne informacije

Koda izdelkaicm72431
Teža:0.06 kg
Dodano v katalog:20.11.2005
Odgovorni subjekt

Sd.Kfz.260/261 Kleine Panzerfunkwagen are German armored radio communication vehicles from the Second World War. The cart was 4.8 meters long and 1.95 meters wide. The drive was provided by a single engine Horch with a power of 75 HP, allowing to reach a top speed on the road of 85 km / h. Cars of this type did not have permanent armament. The Sd.Kfz.260 / 261 Kleine Panzerfunkwagen vehicles were developed on the basis of Sd.Kfz.223 armored vehicles, and from the very beginning they were specialized versions of radio communication vehicles. The Sd.Kfz.260 vehicle had a short-range radio, and the Sd.Kfz.261 - a long-range one. Both vehicles were equipped with folding frame antennas for their radio stations, but did not have any weapons. It is true that the first cars of this type were built as early as 1937, but mass production started only in 1941 at the plants in Ritscher and Weserhüte. In total, about 500 Sd.Kfz.260/261 vehicles were built. Vehicles of this type were used primarily in communication units of armored divisions and armored grenadiers.

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Dodajte mnenje o: Sd.Kfz.260 German WW2 Radio Communication Vehicle
Dodano v katalog: 20.11.2005
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: 2-8 tednov
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Merilo: 1:72
Proizvajalec: Hauler
Koda izdelka: HAU-H72137
Razpoložljivost: na voljo!

€9.05 oz. 5900 tč.