

Merilo: 1:35
Proizvajalec: Dragon
Koda izdelka: dra6068
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: 2-8 tednov
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oz. 12300 tč.

Vključno z 22% DDV
pri dostavi v: Slovenija
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Osnovne informacije

Koda izdelkadra6068
Teža:0.09 kg
Dodano v katalog:30.10.2004
Oznake:Russian-World-War-II-Razvedchiki Russian-World-War-II-Sniper
Dragon Models Ltd. Industrial Building Castle Peak Rd. B1-10/F. 603-609 Hongkong Kitajska
Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Avstrija

In the 1920s and - especially - in the 1930s, the Red Army underwent a rapid development in terms of increasing its posts, as well as increasing saturation with technical weapons, primarily armored weapons. At the same time, however, unlike, for example, the German army, it attached a large role to the actions of sharpshooters and snipers. Attempts were made to develop weapons, the doctrine of their use and tactics. During World War II, Soviet snipers and sniper rifles (in the Red Army, women could also undergo specialist training) turned out to be a difficult opponent for the Germans. It is assumed that in the period 1941-1945 as many as about 430,000 people (including partisans) underwent special shooting training in the Red Army, and about 9,500 underwent further specialist training. Soviet snipers were aimed at eliminating non-commissioned officers and - especially - officers of the German army. They used various types of small arms, but the most common was the 7.62mm Mosin rifle with optical equipment or the SVT-40 semi-automatic rifle, also with a special scope. It is worth adding that during World War II, the Red Army had many great snipers and snipers, including Vasily Zaitsev, Ivan Sidorenko, Ludmila Pawliczenko and Tatiana Baramzinova.

In the front units of the Red Army, during the German-Soviet war of 1941-1945, there were reconnaissance units called Razwiedczikami (in Russian, written in Latin script are Voyennaya Razvyedka). These units were assigned primarily to infantry units in the strength of the battalion per division, company per brigade and platoon per regiment. The organizational structure of the Razwiedczik units did not differ significantly from that of the regular infantry. However, their role on the battlefield was radically different. These formations were treated as specific "eyes and ears" of the commander of the formation to which they were subject. It is worth adding that their soldiers were much better trained than regular infantry units, and their tasks were to collect information from the enemy's rear or observe his movements and marches. It is worth adding that after 1943, the Razwiedcziki used uniforms covered with camouflage stains, and their equipment was dominated by light machine guns, such as the PPsZ submachine gun and the 7.62 mm Diegtarev light machine gun. Often, however, they also fought with captured equipment.

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Osnovne informacije

Dragon Models Ltd. Industrial Building Castle Peak Rd. B1-10/F. 603-609 Hongkong Kitajska
Odgovorni subjektHobby Pro Marketing Ges. m.b.H Am Leonardbach 7 A-8010 Graz Avstrija

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Dodano v katalog: 30.10.2004
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: 2-8 tednov
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