
Heller 81201 Tour Eiffel

Tour Eiffel - Image 1
Merilo: 1:650
Proizvajalec: Heller
Koda izdelka: hlr81201
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: na voljo!
€28.64 oz. 18700 tč.

Vključno z 22% DDV
pri dostavi v: Slovenija
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Osnovne informacije

Koda izdelkahlr81201
Teža:0.47 kg
Dodano v katalog:30.10.2004
Odgovorni subjekt

The Eiffel Tower (French: Tour Eiffel) is a monumental building, which is currently one of the most recognizable symbols of the French capital. The construction of the tower began in 1887, and its ceremonial completion took place in 1889. Three architects and engineers were responsible for the design of the tower: Maurice Koechlin, Emile Nouguier and - especially - Gustav Eiffel, from whose name the monument takes its name. The Tour Eiffel was erected as a symbol of the world exhibition in Paris from 1889, which was to be a tangible display of the technical possibilities and engineering skills of the era, but also to be a symbol of the economic power of France. The building quickly provoked protests from many eminent Parisians who believed that it destroys the spatial order and aesthetics of the city. However, it very quickly became a symbol of this city, and despite the original plans to demolish it in 1909, they were abandoned. The Eiffel Tower is located on the Seine in the Field of Mars. At present, its total height is 324 meters.

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Odgovorni subjekt

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Dodano v katalog: 30.10.2004
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: na voljo!
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Sorodni izdelki

Merilo: 1:650
Proizvajalec: Heller
Koda izdelka: hlr57201
Razpoložljivost: na voljo!

€30.52 oz. 19900 tč.