
Airfix 02441 Alfa Romeo 6C z 1933

Alfa Romeo 6C z 1933 - Image 1
Merilo: 1:32
Proizvajalec: Airfix
Koda izdelka: afx02441
Trenutna razpoložljivosti: ni na zalogi
Zadnjič na voljo: 22.9.2005
€4.39 oz. 2900 tč.

Vključno z 22% DDV
pri dostavi v: Slovenija
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Osnovne informacije

Koda izdelkaafx02441
Velikost127 x 50 mm
Število delov107
Dodano v katalog:30.10.2004

Alfa Romeo 6C is the name of a series of Italian sports and passenger cars, the first representative of which was presented to the public in 1927. Mass production, including all models and versions, was carried out in 1927-1954. Over the years, the car was powered by various engines - in 1927-1929 1.5 liter engines dominated, only to be replaced by engines with a capacity of 3 to 3.5 liters in the last production series.

The first 6C concept work began in the mid-1920s to replace Alfa Romeo's RL. The aim was to create a car that is smaller, lighter and with better performance. The result of these works was the 6C 1500 model, which was produced in the years 1927-1929. The vehicle turned out to be very successful and was also successful in car racing - including winning the famous Milla Magil race in 1928. In the years 1929-1933 the car underwent a slight facelift, and the designation was changed to 6C 1750. Before the outbreak of World War II, the 6C 1900 and 6C 2300 series were launched, which differed from their predecessors in terms of design (especially the 6C 2300 version) and drive units used. Production of the 6C 2500 model began in 1938, but continued mainly after 1945. The last production series was the 6C 3000 model.

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Dodajte mnenje o: Alfa Romeo 6C z 1933
Dodano v katalog: 30.10.2004
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  • izdelek ni na voljo
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  • 3-5 kosov
  • 6-10 kosov
  • več kot 10 kosov
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